Why YOU should get excited about NAIDOC
published this on 29th of June 2019

(Sunday 7th July – Sunday 14th July)
A National Celebration of all things Aboriginal & Islander. NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Initially NAIDOC began as a protest against the unfair treatment of Indigenous people in Australia. These protests date back as early as the 1920’s.
Since 1991 there has been a dedicated theme to the NAIDOC celebrations. The theme changes each year to reflect a particular focus that the NAIDOC Committee wishes to highlight. This year the theme is VOICE, TREATY, TRUTH.
“It’s time for our knowledge to be heard through our voice. – an Indigenous voice of this country that is over 65,000 plus years old…. They are the first words spoken on this continent. Languages that passed down lore, culture and knowledge for over millennia.” – John Paul Janke (National NAIDOC Co Chair).
Although NAIDOC week reminds people of the very tragic history of Indigenous Australians, it also celebrates the achievements and aspirations of Indigenous Australians despite their past. NAIDOC is the most celebrated time of year for indigenous people and a time of hope and moving forward.
If you are a bit curious about indigenous culture now is a great time to get involved. NAIDOC week has numerous events all over the country ranging from cultural displays, book readings, cultural walks, smoking ceremonies, cook ups and dinner dances.
The events are designed for people of all backgrounds to immerse themselves in Indigenous culture so there is no need to be shame job (embarrassed). The whole week is dedicated to educating and celebrating all thing’s that make us special and unique and you will find our Indigenous brothers and sisters to be very welcoming. Don’t be afraid to ask some silly questions, no question is a silly question, and experience a world that is truly connected to country.

I also couldn’t sign off without mentioning my mumma, who was awarded the NAIDOC – ‘Because of her we can’ award during last years NAIDOC events. She was recognised for all of her hard work in the Indigenous community in Frankston and on the Mornington Peninsula and I couldn’t be more proud.
(Me and mumma at last years NAIDOC week event)
Jake and I are based in Victoria and we highly recommend the following events:
Our favourite NAIDOC events;
Victoria events
Peninsula Hot Springs
Peninsula Hot Springs hosts a week long event each year for NAIDOC week. This NAIDOC there is a strong line up of different activities for kids, teenagers and adults.
Don’t miss out on the healing Yidaki (didgeridoo) Performance/ meditation by Lionel Lauch from Living Culture (our favourite). If you are bringing the kids then definitely get them along to the Baluk Arts creative session. More info can be found here
Victorian NAIDOC Gala
For those with a higher budget, a strong decadent event of NAIDOC is definitely the Victorian NAIDOC gala. This event has an array of First Nations entertainers. You can book your table or seat here
A huge shout out to our intern Dulain Kulatunga who researched a number of events across Australia
NSW events
Dreamtime Story Telling with Dymocks
Dymocks are hosting a ‘Dreamtime Story Telling with Dymocks’ – Discover stories of creation of Indigenous Australians.
Date: 7 July – 12 July 10:30am -11:00am, hosted at Westfield Chatswood, book here
NAIDOC week launch
Bayside Council are hosting a morning tea, flag procession ceremony and a cultural performance to begin the NAIDOC festivities.
Date: 8 July, 10:30am – 12:30pm, hosted at Westfield Eastgardens. For further information, click here
Panel Discussion – VOICE, TREATY, TRUTH
Panel Discussion on the NAIDOC theme: Voice, Treaty, Truth. – The panellists will explore the NAIDOC Week theme of Voice, Treaty, Truth and what we as a nation need to do to support a meaningful and shared future with our First Peoples.
Date: 11 July 7pm-8pm, for more information, click here
Walangari Diramu Aboriginal Dance and Didgeridoo Company
Hear haunting sounds of the didgerdoo and learn how it is made and played. See Aboriginal artefacts and learn bush foods and medicines. Learn Aboriginal dance and perform it with them. Diramu will explain the importance of the principles of NAIDOC and will teach the audience some Aboriginal words.
Date: 8 July 10:30am – 11:30am, hosted at Ryde Library, for more information, click here
Western Australia events
NAIDOC week Walk
NAIDOC Week 2019 will celebrate the United Nations International Year of Indigenous Languages, under the theme – Voice. Treaty. Truth. This theme acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have always wanted an enhanced role in decision-making in Australia’s democracy.
Date: 7 July 8:30am-12pm, located Kent St Weir Park, for more information, click here
South West NAIDOC Awards Night 2019
Celebrating and acknowledging the contributions by individuals, businesses and organisation made towards a better future for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people.
Date: 7 July 5:30pm – 7:30pm, located at Dolphin Discovery Centre, for more information, click here
NAIDOC Week Guest Speaker Honey Webb
Join Honey Webb a respected local Aboriginal women for a yarn, to hear her story and gain a better understanding of the voices, truths, achievements and history of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Date: 10 July, 6:30pm – 7:30pm, location: South Perth Library, for more information, click here
Tasmania events
NAIDOC Week Forum
Join influential Tasmanians in conversation on the theme VOICE. TREATY. TRUTH. for NAIDOC Week 2019. Panel members include Aunty Patsy Cameron, Rufus Black, Ben Bowering and Tracey Puklowski.
Date: 8 July, 5:30pm – 7:30pm, location: School of Architecture and Design, for more information, click here
NAIDOC week Forum
Join influential Tasmanians in conversation on the theme VOICE. TREATY. TRUTH. for NAIDOC Week 2019. Pannelists include Rodney Dillon, Ruth Langford, Thomas Riley and Tyenna Hogan
Date: 9 July 5:30pm – 7:30pm, location: Stanley Burbury Theatre, University Centre, for more information, click here
NAIDOC Quiz Night
The night will include special guest MC Rob Braslin for laughs and quiz extraordinaire Isabella Roldan.
Date: 11 July, 6:00pm – 10:00pm location: Republic Bar & Café, for tickets, click here
Queensland events
NAIDOC week launch
Brisbane City Council Official launch; a time for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to have a discussion. Experience; panel discussions, Traditional and contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander performers and arts and crafts.
Date: 8 July, 11:00am – 3:00pm, location: Brisbane City Hall, for more information, click here
Every Day Brave Documentary Screenings
Everyday Brave profiles Indigenous Australians who have fought daily battles against discrimination, apathy and ignorance to make a real difference. They come from across the country – bush and city, mission and coastal town. Highly regarded within their own communities, they remain largely unknown to the mainstream.
Date: 8 July, 10:00am – 11:00am, location: Tiaro Library, for more information, click here
South Australia events
Youth Awards Ball
Celebrating the achievements and contributions of South Australian Aboriginal young people, 17-24yrs of age in their chosen field. A Non Alcohol, Non Smoking event held at night with entertainment by young local Aboriginal artists, during the night Awards will be presented to recipients by our Award Sponsors. Motivational speeches by local Youth Ambassador and Elders.
Date: 12 July, 7pm –11:30pm, location: Chasers Restaurant & Function Centre, for more information, click here
Aboriginal Art Workshop
Kaurna artist Corey Turner will lead this hands on Aboriginal Art workshop. Learn about traditional and contemporary Kaurna art, and paint your own canvas to keep! All materials supplied.
Date: 13 July 10:30am – 12pm, location: Aldinga Library, for more information, Click here
Northern Territory events
Voice, Treaty, Truth – Talk by Leanne Liddle
Leanne Liddle began her career as South Australia’s first Aboriginal policewoman in 1988. Hear her talk about the importance of recognising truths, challenging untruths, and the difficult conversations that inevitably result.
Date: 9 July 5:15pm – 6:45pm, location: Northern Territory Archives Centre, for more information, click here
Top End Naidoc Awards 2019
The Top End NAIDOC Awards 2019 night concludes NAIDOC week with a Gala Event, Awards, Buffet Dinner & Entertainment. The event is not-for profit with proceedings going directly to celebrate NAIDOC week.
Date: 13 July 06:30pm location: Darwin, for more information, click here