Knowing where to shop for Survival day
published this on 13th of January 2021

Yiradhu marang again!
How are you doing on this 13th day of January 2021?!
Maranginya, I hope! Still such crazy chaos going on around us with COVID-19 – though, we have survived so many obstacles in our 251 years of being invaded, occupied, assimilated and endured many of our own health pandemics (which are still prevalent today), I am quite positive we as ‘Australians’, along with the rest of the world will also get through this as well.
As we know, many people refer to January 26th as ‘Australia Day’, a day which many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people refer to as either Survival Day or Invasion Day, as it was the start of the end for us as a peaceful, thriving race. As the truth of how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were treated (in many cases, still are) and, the horrid way ‘Australia’ came about, there is an emergence of non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as allies/supporters to and of us.
This led me to want to share with you a few (though not near as many) of my favourite businesses who sell merchandise specifically for allies/supporters, amongst their Indigenous
If you want to be stylin’ up and lookin’ deadly as us blak fullas do, go and check these and other businesses out 😉
Read on and start buying up a storm in preparation to show your support, look close to as flash as us and show your support for Indigenous businesses Invasion/Survival/’Australia’ Day (and every day of the year)!
I, as always support and encourage you in conducting your own research as well – and feel free to share businesses you like and/or want to promote!
Dream Tag
Home page:
Candace is the deadly, creative, ‘getting this done for her girls’ yinna, who is from the Kaurnareg (in the Torres Strait Islands) and Guguu Yimthirr Nations (far North Queensland) and powerhouse behind Dream Tag. Candace resides in Western Sydney (NSW) currently, and is a full time Ngama to 4 gorgeous jarjums, primary school teacher, whilst also being the full-time CEO, creative designer, marketing director, merchandise shipping extraordinaire and administration officer at Dream Tag.
Dream Tag has a vast array of gorgeous and meaningful prints, created by the talented Candace that not only mob can wear, but are also ally/supporter friendly all day, every day. Everyone from bub to Great Aunt Josie and Uncle Herb can find something to wear – I promise. Candace loves spending time being creative and experimenting with an array of materials, designs, colours and mediums of art to bring you unique and jammin’ threads – BEWARE: your Aunt Betty is going to want to squeeze those cheeks of yours like when you were younger, as you will look too darn cute! 😉
Candace is new on her business journey (it does not show), however is a breeze to communicate with and order from. My order was simple to complete, Candace contacted me immediately, has been friendly, professional and is genuine in dealing with each of her customers. . I have my eyes on other merchandise too. I cannot wait to start reppin’ Dream Tag’s merchandise when they arrive!
Go check out Dream Tag, give her Facebook and Instagram a like and order up a storm!
P.s don’t forget to tag Dream Tag on the socials of you reppin’ your merch!
Clothing the Gap
The popular Indigenous business – Clothing the Gap is Aboriginal owned and run, consisting of 8 employees on Wurendjeri nation in Victoria, which aims to not only highlight social, physical health and many other issues of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in ‘Australia’. Clothing the Gap is manage
d by health professionals who, are genuine in their aim to promote not only the importance of health and exercise for our mobs, but to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, culture and doing it all in style and lookin’ as fierce as. Clothing The Gap and the crew play on the words ‘Closing the Gap’, the ‘Australian’ Government health initiative aiming to decrease the mammoth gap between Aboriginal people, Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous Australians. Clothing The Gap, through their meaningful messages and flashy merchandise have begun uniting our mobs and non-Indigenous people via their causes and the major message of ‘Closing the Gap’.
I am forever wearing my tee’s with pride and displaying my values and messages for all to see on me. The tee’s are a fantastic conversation starters and always assist to begin those often uncomfortable conversations.
If you are in Victoria, go on into their store @ 744 Sydney Road, Brunswick and see for yourself the fantastic and funky merchandise… You can even head into Narana Creations – Geelong, Victoria – it is worth it – I guarantee it!
Not in Victoria? No worries! You can also buy merchandise from the following places! Open House – Brisbane, Queensland … Tandanya – Adelaide, South Australia … National Centre of Indigenous Excellence -Sydney, New South Wales.
Hurry and get your merchandise before Survival Day – Clothing the Gap are fast selling out and you do not want to miss out on looking deadly as 😉
Deadly Defiance
Home page:
The Deadly Defiance brand provides the impressive and transparent messages for everyone around the globe – Indigenous and non-Indigenous, letting all know that ‘we will no longer be silent’, we are oppressed in many ways by many opposing forces to our freedoms, that we will wear our messages on our bodies. All Indigenous peoples will stand up for, promote, fight for and demand inclusivity and connectedness. Deadly Defiance aims to challenge the status quo, inspire everyone – Indigenous and non-Indigenous and to spread awareness of the plight of Indigenous peoples in ‘Australia’ and Internationally, inspiring mobs and the wonderful people who are allies/supporters of the Deadly and amazing Indigenous peoples of the globe.
Deadly Defiance not only has poems, tees, hoodies and hats to show your support, there is also their jewellery range that is not only deadly, and will have you lookin’ flash – they go toward a fantastic cause! ‘Beads for Breakdancing’ – an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Jewellery Project, is an edgy and unique program/initiative the Deadly and inspiring Franco, his brothers and sisters have created to allow for free breakdancing lessons for children who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in the Cairns (Queensland) region. Franco and his siblings, along with Deadly Defiance, have united with Street Elements Hip Hop Studio to allow the jarjums the epic opportunity to learn how to breakdance – as ALL proceeds of the ‘Beads for Breakdancing’ go toward paying the fees.
Gammin threads
The owner of Gammin Threads is the fabulous and proud Yorta Yorta, Taungurung, Boonwurrung & Mutti Mutti Yinaa, Tahnee. Tahnee manages to hold down a full-time job working within the community whilst managing to successfully run Gammin Threads – which is also a full-time job in itself. Gammin Threads is Tahnee’s way of not only utilising and displaying her deadly gifts, it is also a way to assist with lifting up our Sista girls and spreading the message of ‘we are still here’, ‘we are not going anywhere’ ‘show your pride and worth’ whilst also providing nothing but unconditional and continual love for mob who want to show off their pride in their Cultural and Heritage. Gammin Threads also has allies/supporter love with tees such as ‘support Blaktivists’ and ‘protest’ tees. When you are browsing through the merchandise – you place your mouse over the picture and voila! you can see if it is ally merchandise! It is that easy!
I would NGURRBUL to see and be tagged in the pictures of the merchandise you purchase! Just tag me @oursonglines
I acknowledge all Indigenous Countries/Lands that I learn/study about, write upon, walk/stand, study upon and that all readers read upon.
Always paying my Yindyamarra to Elders past, present and future.
Sovereignty has never and will never be ceded.
Always Was, Always will be Aboriginal Land.